Friday, January 23, 2009

And So it Begins...

Barack Obama and Michelle ObamaImage via Wikipedia
It didn't take too long for the criticism of the Obamas to begin. This particular criticism is leveled at Michelle Obama by BAA (Black Artists Association) co founder Amnau Eele, who says she is disappointed that the First Lady did not choose a black designer, Kevan Hall or Stephen Burrows to design one of her inaugural ensembles. Ms. Eele was quoted as saying “It’s fine and good if you want to be all ‘Kumbaya’ and ‘We Are the World’ by representing all different countries. But if you are going to have Isabel Toledo do the inauguration dress, and Jason Wu do the evening gown, why not have Kevan Hall, B Michael, Stephen Burrows or any of the other black designers do something too?”
I personally, think Amnau Eale's ire is misplaced, there is so much more in the U.S. to be angry about right now that what or who Michelle Obama wears on her back. It is time to move past this kind of divisive thinking and unite on more important issues like say, the economy, healthcare and joblessness. Please stop reducing this highly educated, intelligent woman to her outfits.
By the way, Ms. Eale plans to make a formal appeal to Michelle Obama's office.

1 comment:

  1. There's always going to be critism. You can't win for losing,as the saying goes. there is always someone who always want strife and feed on negativity.



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